Monday, September 24, 2018

The Weekly Ranum: Edition #6


This week we had our first mentor/mentee Monday. It was a great chance to talk with the mentors and see how their partnerships with the mentees are going.

Tutoring Tuesday allowed students to catch up on work in other classes. Most take advantage of this time and we're already seeing noticeable gains in their academics.

On Wednesday we learned about values, what they are, what they mean to us and how they effect our decisions and choices in life.

Thursday we created goal collages that involved having long term goals inside a box that we can look at later in the year and short term goals glued to the outside of the box to remind us of our goals.

Thanks for reading!

Monday, September 17, 2018

The Weekly Ranum: Edition #5

Hello and welcome back!

Last week we decided, wrote about and chose our mentor or mentee for the year!

On Wednesday and Thursday we worked on a Google slide presentation introducing our mentor/mentee.

They included each other's favorite things (music, sports, class, activities, etc), their future career and college goals, and 10 random fun facts.

It was a great time for mentors and mentees to ask each other a bunch of questions and get to know each other even better. We did presentations on Friday which we will finish up on Tuesday.

Have a great week!

Monday, September 10, 2018

The Weekly Ranum: Edition #4

Hi all!

This was a shorter week with the Labor Day holiday on Monday but we still accomplished a lot.

We had our first tutoring Tuesday and I saw many students taking advantage and catching up on work or completing homework early.

On Wednesday and Thursday we created our time capsules. Inside are different artifacts like their heights, hand size, list of favorite things in their lives and a letter to their future self. We'll open these up in May!

Friday we did speed matching, a play on speed dating but this was a great way for mentees and mentors to get to know each other a little better and help decide who they want to be paired with for the rest of the year.

Have a great week!

Tuesday, September 4, 2018

The Weekly Ranum: Edition #3


Last week was jam packed with a bunch of different activities.

On Monday we talked about Creating Community. There were 5 posters around the room that asked questions ranging from why we need community, what does community look like, what are some communities we are already a part of and what are some of the challenges involved with community. Students had to walk around to each poster and add their answers.

On Tuesday and Wednesday we created personal shields that were meant for students to identify their strengths/weaknesses, future career goals and the material/non-material things in their lives that they cherish most.

On Thursday we worked on our communication skills, specifically our listening/following directions skills. We did a paper tear activity with our eyes closed and students would fold and tear their paper based on my directions. They were not allowed to ask questions so everyone's paper was very different by the end. We also did back to back drawing where one student is giving verbal directions to their partner about what they need to draw on their piece of paper. Being specific was the key to the game because most of the time their pictures had everything in the correct spot, but they were not drawn to scale.

For No Fun Friday we played taboo and charades. This got the students out of their comfort zones and was a fun team challenge that forced students to listen to their classmates and work together to guess the word.

Overall, another great week here at Ranum!