Monday, October 2, 2017

The Weekly Ranum: Edition #7

Welcome back to the Weekly Ranum! Here's a quick update from this past week!

We had our second Mentor/Mentee Monday last week. The mentors were told their mentee pair for the year and we discussed any challenges we thought may come up to make sure that we had the best matches possible. Most mentors were satisfied with their mentees and excited to get started with them.

We had Tutoring Tuesday and the students seem to be a lot more engaged in it than last year. They are bringing work from other classes and most are using their time wisely.

Wednesday was the big day. We paired up mentors and mentees and started an activity called May I Introduce... It was their responsibility to ask each other a bunch of different questions to find out more about who they are, what they care about and what they'be done in the past or want to do in the future. After they had a good list of fun facts, they created a google slideshow introducing their mentee or mentor with as many fun facts as possible. Some students presented on Friday, and we'll have the rest present on Tuesday.

Overall, a great week of learning more in depth facts about one another!

Here's a link to a couple of their presentations (not 100% sure if you'll be able to view):

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