Monday, March 19, 2018

The Weekly Ranum: Edition #25

Hello and welcome back to the Weekly Ranum!

Another fast week over here with Spring Break quickly approaching.

In Mentor Monday we started a project where mentor's chose a cause that they care about and they had to do some research and come up with a plan of action of some steps we can take in order to help their cause. Some choices were, Environment/Pollution, human rights, homelessness and organic food.

Tutoring Tuesday was good but had low numbers because of a choir field trip.

Wednesday and Thursday we worked on Conflict Resolution Steps. Students had plenty of examples of conflict in their life, but had not really tried any of the steps we went over as a class. I feel they came away with a better understanding of what to do when conflict arises in the future. Some of their bigger break through's were just understanding that both people involved will have strong emotions during the fight and sometimes it's better to just cool down and then re-address when both people have settled down.

No Fun Friday was a team builder involving spaghetti and marshmallows. Students were in groups of 4, had the same supplies and were asked to build the tallest tower. They had a lot of fun and it was nice to see students working well together and collaborating.

Overall another fun week....1 more full week until Spring Break!

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