Happy (almost) Thanksgiving!
It has been a great week of projects here at Ranum. We created 3-D models of emotions and talked about a variety of topics that we value as individuals.
Mentor Monday had us watching an enlightening documentary about a 14 year old boy in India that works three part time jobs and goes to school all in the same day. The mentors were shocked by a lot of things going on in the film. Among all of the differences, they could not believe how packed the city was, how crowded his house was, and how much little free time he had. Many mentors were humbled by the video but very vocal of their dislike for many other injustices in this world.
On Tuesday and Wednesday we worked on 3-D Emotional Sculptures. Students were directed to choose any emotion that wanted and had to create a sculpture to represent that emotion. As you can see by the pictures, they were very creative and had a lot of fun with it. After they finished, they had to write ten different hot buttons that caused them to feel the emotions they just created.
At the end of the week, we worked on a project called Mind, Body, Soul. This project had students draw a body on a piece of paper and each part of the body represented different questions/skills. For example, the head/brain area asked you what your goals and dreams are. The eyes represented how you want people to see you (smart, funny, responsible, etc). All the way down to the feet, which one foot asked you where you go now (park, school, home, playground, etc) and the other asked you where you want to travel to in the future. Each group member had to share one response for each question.
Overall the week went by very fast and as always, I'm impressed by my students insights and responses while working on these projects.
Have a great Thanksgiving!
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