Monday, March 5, 2018

The Weekly Ranum: Edition #23


On Mentor Monday we talked about some different topics that mentors were interested in learning about for the rest of the year.

On Tutoring Tuesday students finished their love cups and continued to catch up in other classes that they were falling behind in.

Wednesday and Thursday were dedicated to students researching a topic they were interested in and preparing a presentation for the rest of the class. The idea is for students to teach the class about something new or something they don't always get the chance to learn more about in school. Students enjoy sharing out their interests and hobbies with others so this gives them a chance to do so, plus the skills of presenting. They will present this week!

On No Fun Friday we played Anagrams. There were 4 random words posted on the board and students had to re-arrange all the words to create new words that fit into a particular theme. It got pretty competitive but very fun!

Have a great week!

Oh and here's a couple pictures of some Love Cups...

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