Monday, October 8, 2018

The Weekly Ranum: Edition #8

Hello all!

This past week, Mentor Monday went great. We identified some areas that our mentees are struggling in and came up with individual game plans on how to get them back on track.

Tutoring Tuesday allowed students to catch up in classes before assignment reports come out this week.

Wednesday and Thursday we worked on our YESS t-shirt designs. There were definitely some great ones which made the voting this year pretty difficult but I believe all the students will love the final design!

On No Fun Friday we played one of my favorite class builders. It's called Name 4. You sit in a circle and one person starts with the ball. You then call out a category for the person with the ball by saying, "Name 4...vegetables or names that start with M or NBA teams. They then start passing the ball around the circle and have to name 4 things that fall into that category before the ball gets back to them. If it gets back to them, they go again with a different category. If they name 4, the ball stops and the person holding it now gets a chance to name 4 of a different category. You can make the categories funny/ridiculous and overall the students love it.

Thanks for reading!

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